Monday, July 25, 2011


I know, I am behind two blog posts now after having missed the last two weekends. I'll make it up somehow. Hell, let's count this as one! Seriously though, This weekend and last were a little atypical in that I was busy for most of the day on Saturday and Sunday was rushed by a) being completely worn out by Saturday and b) having to line up at Alamo for movies by 6pm. To compound all that, I just haven't had that narrative inspiration to write like I did with those first summer posts. It was all I could do to keep myself from writing several posts in a row a few weeks back and now (while I have a list of great topics) I can't seem to muster the will. I suppose that was sort of the impetus for the "summer project" anyway, to force myself to write something while also getting out and seeing some new places around Austin. Technically I'm only behind by one coffee shop as the last post was written in a week where I visited two, but I still need to get out there. Anyway, we'll see what next week brings.

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