Showing posts with label futurism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label futurism. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


This is pretty wild:

Personally I don't buy the projection image, I think that's ultimately too clumsy an interface to be effective, requiring both the projector and the surface to remain more or less still. If one were to combine this idea with existing and upcoming "Smart Clothing" technology however I can see this working quite well. Just going off the iPod interface they show one can imagine a jacket that has both a Skinput sensor in it as well as a Smart Clothing led interface, thus providing both sensory and visual input to the user that could ultimately vary based on the device currently connected. Combine this type of skin based interface with existing computers or Microsoft Surface-like technology and you end up with a gesture and touch based interface similar to what's seen in the film The Minority Report. Interesting stuff.