Saturday, June 25, 2011

Fuck This Weather!

Fuck this weather! Fuck it sideways with a rusty hook. There's nothing I hate more than humidity and living here in Austin I've mostly been able to avoid it, at least coupled with high temperatures anyway. Today is one of those lovely anomalies however where we started out with a large amount of cloud cover (the kind where you're like "just fucking rain already!") and progressed to a sort of 50/50 cover of giant fluffy clouds wafting by. It's nice to look at, but given that the starting point for this was +80% humidity this morning, it's made for a sticky unpleasant day.

You see usually what happens is that there's next to no clouds in the sky and whatever humidity has crept in overnight burns off by late morning, giving us 90+ temps with 40- humidity. When you get a situation like today, the humidity hardly burns off at all and you're left with 90+ temps and 60+ humidity.

Right now we're actually looking at 94 degrees and 49% humidity ... reaching the comfortable range, for me anyway. But at this point I'm already resigned to stay inside. I attempted to go out, find a cafe, grab an iced coffee, and do some writing, but fuck if it wasn't unbearable outside. So I did the next best thing. I grabbed a cookie over at Upper Crust (where I would have stayed, but it's really more of a bakery and not great for coffee ... also no wifi) and headed back home where I'm currently making my own iced coffee. Ideal? No, because I very much like not to be in my apartment for as much of the weekend as possible, but given that I'm going out later and the weather hates me, I think I can justify it. With any luck tomorrow will be better and I can get that cafe time I've been looking for and begin my summer blogging project.

PS. That last sentence there is sort of a hook ... a "to be continued" if you will.

PPS. That "to be continued" is (as always) using the Back to the Future font.

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